i just put on a peter, paul, and mary record; drinking a sam adams; and nibbling on a dark chocolate with espresso beans bar....one of the most relaxing evenings i have had in a while...
i should really do this more often...maybe the key to not being alone here is to share my on-goings...what a great little epiphany...i hope i remember it tomorrow.
so, i really I just work...6 days a week...on Saturdays i do relief work around at local VCA clinics...i absolutely love my job...i think and talk about improving my social life...but have not gotten around to it....i did discover that the mass audobon society does really cool outings...so hopefully i will go on a canoe trip in a couple of weeks.
my neighborhood is so picturesque that i am sure their must be an ax murder on the street...every day (almost)..the dogs and i go for a stroll down the bike trail (re-furbished old rail road tracks which are now a nice pedestrian path)...i just realized that it goes all the way to Amherst (~10 miles away) and crosses over the Connecticut river (old rail bridge) and runs by beautiful new england farm land. ...so for the past couple of sundays i have enjoyed wonderful bike rides.
i joined netflix upon moving and think it is kick-A. as i was watching a dvd (born in brothels...good flick) the other night...the dvd player started to act possessed...upon investigation i realized it was sprayed with cat urine...thanks lou...actually i would probably be watching a movie (for your consideration) right now if it was working...so, lou is to thank for the motivation to blog...
i now cuss all the time...during surgery the other day i said 'oh my god'...chrissy (one of the vet assistants)...was really worried...and said if i had dropped the f-bomb she would not have worried at all...nice. sorry mom. you little girl has a potty mouth.
anywho...i miss anyone who would care to read this so very much...i do have a work blog that i update with my favorite work animals (www.mspca.org/wne)
i have turned into a total media sensation.....click here to see me as a superstar
love, love
yay update! f bombs don't go with peter paul and mary...but are complementary to urine soaked electronics.
i'm so happy to hear you like it there :) i also drop f bombs at work...maybe it is a UGA trained thing.
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